Thursday, July 16, 2009

My favorite thing about summer school July 16, 2009

My favorite thing about summer school was meeting new people, like Ms. Rich, Ms, Terri, Madison, Dante, Ryan, Tasia, Katie, Sienna, and then seeing the people that I already new like Eli, Mason, and Trey. I had funny seeing you everyday of summer school. I hope you all have a great school year and do your best. Remember that you can be anything you want to be and the teachers are all here to help you if you will let them. I also learned some new things I never knew anything about blogging and I hope to keep doing it , I also hope that I can still see interesting things on all of your blogs this next school year. I all so learned some neat things about bees that I did not know. I will miss seeing you guys. Have a GREAT YEAR!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The movie that makes me laugh July 14,2009

It is hard for me to pick one movie I like a lot of different movies.
Pretty Woman, Medea, Liar Liar, I just think Jim Carey is crazy and funny to watch I also liked him in Mask. If I am feeling down I can general put in any Jim Carey movie and before it is over I will be laughing. I also like Adam Sandler in movies. The Happy Gilmore, Water Boy,50 First Dates,In 50 first dates he does silly things to try to get this girl to like him and she never remembers him. She was in a wreak and lost her memory.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Things That Make Me Smile!!! July 13, 2009

My granddaughter Hanna
My step-grandson Gunner
Beautiful sunsets
Rain when it is falling light and slow
A beautiful rainbow
My son and daughter-in-law
My two daughters
Watching babies
Dolphins swimming and playing
Memories of my parents
Memories of my grandparents
Beautiful flowers
Watching good movies
Great shoes
Watching dogs play
Watching cats play
My granddaughter singing certain songs
Watching Survivor on t.v.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Changes For Next Year July 9th

I want to listen better to the kids I help and help them practice to get better test scores. I hope that I help the teacher that I work under better also.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What I did over the weekend

I worked on the 4th of July. We had a Big BBQ for the residents that I work with and from the other houses. We had hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans and all kinds of desserts. It was pretty fun I missed being with my family on the 4th because we generally all get together and have a big feast and just enjoy each others company. I am hoping to get to see them this weekend for a surprise party that we are trying to have for my brother and his wife... but I am not sure if I get off yet I asked off for party of the day but have not been told yet if I have gotten it or not. I did talk to my son on the 4th and they are getting excited about my daughter, my granddaughter, and I coming to see them. I am getting excited and scared at the same time because this is only my second time to fly.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Summer July 2, 2009

Okay my summer is a 7 or 8 it has not been the perfect summer but it has been pretty good. I have been working and hanging out with friends. At the end of July, in fact July 29th I will be flying to see my son and daughter-in-law in Pennsylvania and I will be back the 6th of August. So I am really getting excited about that . Then on Aug. 22 is my granddaughters 3rd birthday and the 24th of Aug. is my daughters birthday. This is only my second time to fly so I am kind of scared.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009

I am not sure who I like the best. I like Toby Keith, Tracy Atkins, I like there songs. I guess I like Toby Keith so much because he stands up for the military right now.